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Forging Smithies for Success

Re: SHS Weekly Newsletter 1/31/25

Posted Date: 1/31/25 (8:30 PM)


Please mark your calendars for the CCP information Night on February 12th at 6pm.  We will be in the Social Studies rooms (there will be someone to direct you to that location).  In the meantime, Information about CCP can be found on the guidance website: 


SHS will be administering the ACT on Tuesday, February 25th to all Juniors.  All students (with the exception of part-time and full-time career center students) need to be here on Wednesday, 2/12 at the beginning of 1st period to do pre-registration for the test.  All career center students will do their registration at the career center on Thursday, 2/13.  Please mark your calendars for those dates and make sure that your students are in attendance.  Thank you for your help in making this a successful testing session!


Ms. Staggs went into classes this week to go over graduation requirements and to talk about scheduling for next school year.  During the meeting, she handed out course request worksheets so that students can pick classes that they want to take next year.  Ms. Staggs will be going into English classes next week (Wednesday she will be in Mrs. Naumoff’s room, Thursday she will be in Mr. Frizell’s room and Friday she will be in Mr. DeMassimo’s room.  If students do not have any of these teachers for classes, they will turn in their form into the guidance office).  If course request sheets are not signed by parents or are not turned in, requests will be made for students based on graduation requirements.  Questions about graduation requirements and course descriptions can be found on the guidance website: 


Just a reminder to make all parent and student information changes such as address, phone numbers, email address, emergency contacts in FinalForms. This will alert us and will then update ProgressBook and ParentSquare. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Richard at


Parent teacher conferences are Wednesday, February 12 starting at 2:45.  Please contact Cindy Richard in the guidance office to set up an appointment- ext. 3013.


Green Local Schools is holding a breakfast for senior citizens connected to the district. Mark your calendars for March 14. RSVP can be made by calling 330-669-3921 ext. 5000. See attachment for details.


February 1- FFA Toy Show

February 1 & 2- Battle at the Berkey

February 2- Tri-County Honors Band Performance

February 8- Winter Formal

February 12- CCP Information Night & Parent Teacher Conferences

February 14 & 17 NO SCHOOL

February 18 - Spring Sports Parent Meeting (7 pm)

February 25- Jr Class take the ACT

Next Week’s Athletic Events:

2/4 - 5:30 pm - JV/V Boys Basketball vs Dalton (Senior Night)

2/6 - 5:30 pm - JV/V Girls Basketball vs Waynedale (Senior Night)

2/7 - 5:30 pm - JV/V Boys Basketball vs Rittman (Homecoming)

2/8 - 10 am - HS Wrestling @ Norton Dual Tournament

2/8 - 12 pm - JV/V Girls Basketball vs Danville